
RoleBot's role position MUST be above the roles you want it to hand out. Otherwise RoleBot won't be able to give out the roles.

If you need more help you can join the support server by clicking this link. RoleBot can be accessed with the prefix rb or by mentioning the bot.

Parameters: <> = required arguments, [] = optional. Do not include either of them when executing the command.

Reaction Roles

  • Add

    • Usage: rb reaction add Xbox | :D

    • Explanation: Put any role name then | (shift + \) and any emoji

    • Example: EnterMember then :smiley:

  • Channel

    • Usage: rb reaction channel <channel mention>

    • Explanation: RoleBot will send it's own embeds showing all your reaction roles. It will also show all role folders with roles in them.

  • List

    • Usage: rb reaction list

    • Explanation: Will list each reaction role and roles that are in Folders. It also shows each roles id associated with it.

  • Message

    • Usage: rb reaction msg <id> [folder id]

    • Explanation: RoleBot will watch all reactions on this message You can add specific roles to any message you want. You can also specify a Folder with it's id and only its roles will be applied to

    • Examples:

      • rb reaction msg 694939682537996369 - Reacts to a message with any roles not in a folder.

      • rb reaction msg 694939682537996369 2 - Reacts to a message with the roles inside Folder 2

  • Remove

    • Usage: rb reaction remove <role name>

    • Explanation: Removes a reaction role.

    • Examples:

      • rb reaction remove Dog - Removes Dog from any folder if it's in one and deletes it from reaction list.

      • rb reaction remove -all Deletes ALL reaction roles.

  • Update

    • Usage: rb reaction update <msg id> [folder id]

    • Explanation: This updates a message that was set previously with reaction msg with a folder roles or default roles.

    • Examples:

      • rb reaction update 694947453618880633 - Updates message with roles not in a folder.

      • rb reaction update 694947453618880633 2 - Updates message with roles in folder 2.

  • Swap

    • Usage: rb reaction swap <role name> | <role name>

    • Explanation: This will swap the positions of two roles. If they are in folders they will "swap" places. Simply put.

  • Move

    • Usage: rb reaction move <role name> | [folder id]

    • Explanation: You can move a single role to a different folder or by not passing a folder id it'll take it out of its current folder. You can't move a role to a spot it's already in.

    • Examples:

      • rb reaction move Dog | 0 - Will move role Dog to folder 0

      • rb reaction move Dog - Will take Dog out of any folder it's in.


The plus of having "folders" is you can separate your roles into different categories!

  • Add

    • Usage: rb folder add <folder id> <list of role ids>

    • Explanation: To add roles to your folder. This does not transfer from folder to folder. You can get role ids from doing @RoleBot reaction -list Role id's will change after you add them so make sure to check again after adding.

    • Examples:

      • rb folder add 1 0 - Add Role (0) to folder 1.

      • rb folder add 1 0,1,2,3 - Add list of roles (0, 1, 2 ,3) to folder 1.

  • List

    • Usage: rb folder list [folder id]

    • Explanation: Will least each folder and number of free roles. If given a folder id it outputs the folder roles.

  • Create

    • Usage: rb folder create <name>

    • Explanation: Make a new empty folder named whatever.

    • Example:

      • rb folder create Games

  • Remove

    • Usage: rb folder remove <folder id>

    • Explanation: Deletes the folder. It also frees all the roles it had inside of it and makes them available for other folders to use.

Last updated